Juncus kruassii

Juncus kruassii

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salt marsh rush
Minimum Purchase:
5 seedlings
Maximum Purchase:
80 seedlings

Juncus Kraussii, commonly known as Salt Marsh Rush, is ideal as a stabiliser in estuary banks and riparian zones that adjoin developed areas; it prevents erosion and also provides an excellent fibre for weaving.

The species occurs in all states of Australia, New Zealand, Southern Africa and South America.

Juncus kraussii is salt tolerant and favours a damp environment and is most often found in areas such as swamps and brackish estuaries The plant is able to grow in a range of soils from sands to alluvium.

The stems and leaves of Juncus kraussii were used by Indigenous Australians for fibre, for string, fishing lines, woven rugs and woven baskets.

It is commonly used today for stabilisation of the banks of estuaries around salt marshes and riparian zones next to sites developed for human use.

It is also used in biofiltration systems and rain gardens.