Callistemon sieberi

Callistemon sieberi

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river bottlebrush
Minimum Purchase:
5 seedlings
Maximum Purchase:
80 seedlings

Callistemon sieberi or 'river bottlebrush' as the name suggests occurs naturally along rivers and water courses in the higher rainfall regions of South Eastern Australia in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. River bottlebrush grows to around 3 metres in height and has attractive yellow bottlebrush flowers in Spring.


Callistemon sieberi despite having an association with rivers and water is remarkably hardy and adaptable. It is used extensively in revegetation programs thoughout the regions to which it is suited.

It attractes native birds and pollinators. Adaptable and hardy, Callistemon sieberi is an excellent addition to gardens seeking both aesthetic appeal and ecological functionality.


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Notes on Maps.

Generally, the concentrated clusters of markers represent the geographical range where this species occurs naturally. Outlying markers and geographically disassociated markers represent observations of the species in cultivation and/or recorded in herbaria etc.


These maps are provided by, and are used with the permission of, Australia’s Virtual Herbarium (AVH)