Eucalyptus leucoxylon

Eucalyptus leucoxylon

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'Euky Dwarf'
Minimum Purchase:
5 seedlings
Maximum Purchase:
80 seedlings

Eucalyptus Leucoxylon, also known as Yellow Gum, Blue Gum and Whtie-Ironbark, is a small-medium sized tree that is endemic to the southern parts of Australia.

The flowers range from red, white and pink colours, and they bloom in most months of the year.

This tree grows to a height of 10-30 metres, and is found in south-eastern South Australiaand western Victoria.

There are 6 subspecies:

- Euc Leucoxylon subsp. Bellarinensis

- Euc Leucoxylon subsp. Connata

- Euc Leucoxylon f. Muell. Leucoxylon

- Euc Leucoxylon subsp. megalocarpa

- Euc Leucoxylon var. Pluriflora

- Euc Leucoxylon subsp. Pruinosa.

All 6 subspecies occur in Victoria.

The leaes from this species are also used for the production of Eucalyptus oil.


Seed sourced from Rocklands