Innovation in water management recognised.
ERA Nurseries was awarded a State Government grant to complete their final works in regard to creating a innovative water recycling system.
The nursery uses a collection, treatment and re-use system which has significantly enhanced the existing water sources. The nursery received a Smart water fund grant from the State Government, one of 36 organisations across the state to receive this funding.
Water from the primary holding dam flows through a constructed gravel reed bed system that has been planted with cumbungi, Phragmites Australis. According to existing research the reed bed will remove over 90 % of the nutrients and all the pathogens from the water flowing through it.
It is important to remove nutrients from the water before it is stored to avoid the formation and development of agal growth.
Treated water from the reed bed flows to a storage dam that holds 5 to 6 megalitres.
In normal rain level years this supply is adequate for the nursery without having to turn on the town water supply.