Pinus radiata

Pinus radiata

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Temporarily out of stock due to recent high demand. New stock coming soon, the timing of which will be determined by prevailing seasonal growing conditions. This species will be listed here as available in due course.
Minimum Purchase:
5 seedlings
Maximum Purchase:
162 seedlings

Pinus radiata (syn. Pinus insignis), the Monterey pine, insignis pine or radiata pine, is a species of pine.

P. radiata is a versatile, fast-growing, medium-density softwood, suitable for a wide range of uses and valued for rapid growth, as well as desirable lumber and pulp qualities.

Although P. radiata is extensively cultivated as a plantation timber in many temperate parts of the world, it faces serious threats in its natural range, due to the introduction of a fungal parasite, the pine pitch canker.

P. radiata is a coniferous evergreen tree growing to 15–30 m tall in the wild, but up to 60 m in cultivation in optimum conditions.