Ordering Information
There are 3 carton sizes to accommodate our hiko trays.
Small carton - Half Tray – 20 Seedlings
Medium carton- 1 tray 40 seedlings
Large carton- 2 trays 80 seedlings
Minimum species quantity is 5 seedlings. Minimum order quantity is 10 seedlings. If you require smaller order quantities please email the nursery direct. A higher seedling price is charged to make it economical.
To match our packaging system the optimal order numbers are 40, 80, 120 these are more economical for your Australia Post shipping costs. Orders outside of recommended package sizes are at your discretion.
South Australia
Due to the presence of myrtle rust in the Eastern states, PIRSA has placed restrictions on the movement of Myrtaceous species into South Australia. That includes Eucalyptus and Melaleuca.
ERA Nurseries has been audited and deemed Myrtle Rust free. This ongoing monitoring has resulted in ERA Nurseries attaining Myrtle Rust accreditation ICA-42 thus allowing ERA Nurseries to ship Myrtaceous seedlings to South Australia.
Orders to South Australia will be accompanied by a formal Plant Health Certificate. It is a requirement that the receiver provides a street address for entry on the plant health certificate. Good can still be directed to a Post Office box if desired.
A maximum of 400 seedlings per order. For larger orders please contact the nursery directly.
Seedling stock availability is updated each week on the website. The range of seedlings is reflected by seasonal shortages and order trends. You can contact the nursery direct for larger forward orders of species that are out of stock.
Seedling Care
Care is taken to ensure that your seedlings arrive in the best condition possible. The seedlings are packaged in custom designed cartons and strapped to minimise potential damage and disruption during transit. These internal straps will need to be removed before removing the trays from the cartons.
Please be sure to loosen the seedlings from underneath by using your fingers or a suitable dowell. Pulling them out by the top growth will cause damage to the seedling.
Our seedlings are grown outside in all conditions, so you do not need to place under shelter when they arrive.
Please check seedlings are moist, in some cases seedlings dry out in transit. You can consider submerging the tray in water for a few minutes to ensure seedlings are adequately moist before planting.
Fertilising your seedlings. There are many fertilisers available. We suggest Osmoform Slow-releasefertiliser, 8 to 10 weeks nutrient supply. Osmocote pro controlled release fertiliser, 5 to 10 months slow-release nutrient supply. There are other options available, we suggest speaking to your local specialist.
Bulk Discounts
ERA Nursery has the capacity for large scale production. If you have a requirement for larger numbers of seedlings, then generous bulk discounts will apply. This will also apply to wholesale operators, forward orders and contact propagation enquiries but does not apply to discounted seedlings.
Please contact ERA Nurseries on (03)55722123 for a quote and competitive delivery charge estimate to anywhere in VIC, NSW, SA or QLD.
Live plant orders will be shipped to you by Australia Post Parcel service. Australia Post does NOT insure live plants. ERA Nursery will replace seedlings that perish due to shipping errors on a case by case basis. Photos must be supplied. The customer is to take the shipping costs up with Australia Post personally. ERA Nursery does NOT hold responsibility for seedlings once Australia Post has collected them. Delivery time will usually take between 2 – 10 days depending on location. You will be issued with a tracking number and order confirmation email once you have lodged your order.
The shipping charge will be automatically calculated at the checkout. This differs from postcode. These are Australia Post rates that their software provides and updates.
For orders above 450 seedlings please send an enquiry via email admin@eranurseries.com.au or by calling 035572123. Other freight options can be sourced.
All costs include GST
Instore option means collection from the Nursery door which is located at 232 South Boundary Road, Hamilton Vic 3300
Online orders are completed each Monday. For instore collection you will be notified when your order is ready to be collected.