Melaleuca halmaturorum (salt paperbark) has a broad natural range across the continent from Victoria to Western Australia.
It is not surprising that is has a range of common names depending on where you are. It could be called 'swamp paperbark' in WA, 'Kangaroo Island paper bark' in SA and 'salt paperbark' in Victoria.
This species can be a large shrub or small tree and is without question one of the toughest plants around. For instance, on Kangaroo Island and along the Coorong, it is not uncommon to see it growing with it's roots in seawater or even saltier.
Salt paperbark is a frontline coastal plant and will withstand exposed coastal conditions on shallow saline soils overlying limestone. It also occurs around salt lakes inland in the Desert National Parks in arid Victoria and in the WA Wheatbelt.
Melaleuca halmaturorum forms a well shaped shrub in cultivation. ERA Nurseries has it planted around its water recycling storage structures where it is thriving in heavily compacted clay dam banks where most other plants would (at best) struggle
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Notes on Maps.
Generally, the concentrated clusters of markers represent the geographical range where this species occurs naturally. Outlying markers and geographically disassociated markers represent observations of the species in cultivation and/or recorded in herbaria etc.
These maps are provided by, and are used with the permission of, Australia’s Virtual Herbarium (AVH)