Melaleuca diosmifolia

Melaleuca diosmifolia

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green honey myrtle
Minimum Purchase:
5 seedlings
Maximum Purchase:
80 seedlings

Melaleuca diosmifolia is so named because it's foliage is a little 'diosma' like, which is a bit hard to see however its common name 'green honey myrtle' certainly refers to the abundant green bottle brush flowers it bears in spring. Green honey myrtle' is a native of the south coast region of SW Western Australia but is planted extensively throughout other regions elsewhere in Australia.


Melaleuca diosmifolia (green honey myrtle) is a dense large shrub to around 4 metres in height with at least a similar spread. It is hardy and adaptable and an ideal screen. It's natural habitat near the coast would explain why this species has a relatively low tolerance to very heavy frost, particularly as a small seedling.


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Notes on Maps.

Generally, the concentrated clusters of markers represent the geographical range where this species occurs naturally. Outlying markers and geographically disassociated markers represent observations of the species in cultivation and/or recorded in herbaria etc.


These maps are provided by, and are used with the permission of,  Australia’s Virtual Herbarium (AVH)