Leptospermum continentale

Leptospermum continentale

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juniper tea tree
Minimum Purchase:
5 seedlings
Maximum Purchase:
80 seedlings

Leptospermum continentale or juniper tea tree was formally known as Leptospermum juniperinum. Juniper tea tree occurs mainly in woodland and heathland over a wide geographical range from Southern New South Wales to southern South Australia. As its common name suggests it has slightly prickly foliage.


Leptospermum continentale when grown in cultivation usually produces a semi compact shrub with a spectacular show of white tea tree flowers in Spring.


Recent testing has confirmed that this species is bio-active in the same way that 'jelly bush' and 'manuka' is bio active.


Seedlings that are forward ordered for larger projects will receive very generous volume discounts.

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Notes on Maps.

Generally, the concentrated clusters of markers represent the geographical range where this species occurs naturally. Outlying markers and geographically disassociated markers represent observations of the species in cultivation and/or recorded in herbaria etc.


These maps are provided by, and are used with the permission of,  Australia’s Virtual Herbarium (AVH)