- How long do my seedlings last in a hiko tray? In most cases it is ok to keep seedlings in the hiko tray for 1-2 months. For optimal results we do not recommend longer than this as the seedlings can become root bound or require fertilisation.
- My seedlings are not green, are they going to survive? Seedlings in our nursery are grown outside not in hot houses, this is to give them tolerance to conditions. The seedlings are also not over fertilised to ensure they do not grow to fast to soon in the hiko trays. The seedlings will thrive once they are planted and fertilised. If seedlings are purchased over the cooler months, they become dormant, once the warmer weather returns, they will regain colour.
- What fertiliser should I use on my seedlings? We use and suggest ozmocote slow-release fertiliser and ozmocote pro. We suggest speaking to your nearest specialist for fertilising options.
- How long will my seedlings survive in the post? Seedlings in most cases will be ok within a two-week period. Please water and place outside once they arrive.
- How far apart should seedlings spacing be for windbreaks? We suggest 3 meters spacing from fence lines and from other seedlings. If you desire a more compact windbreak, we suggest 2 meters spacing. If you are planting more than one windbreak row, we suggest staggering the seedlings. This creates better privacy screening and wind channelling.
- What should I do to prepare for seedling planting? We suggest clearing the area, spray all weeds. Weeds take away the nutrients from your new seedlings and they can suffocate them by blocking the sunlight. We suggest mounding the seedlings, this is personal preference. We suggest guarding the seedlings to protect from wildlife and wind, frosts protection. Water once planted, to compact the media and obtain 100% contact with the soil and root ball of the seedling, this prevents air pockets and to help with the soil drying out. Check on regularly.
- What happens if my hiko tray arrives upside down?On this rare occurrence we suggest checking the root balls of the seedlings are still in tact. Gently place these back into the hiko tray cells, add additional media if required. Water and monitor. If any perish please contact the nursery.
Live plant orders will be shipped to you by Australia Post Parcel service. Australia Post does NOT insure live plants. ERA Nursery will replace seedlings that perish due to shipping errors on a case by case basis. Photos must be supplied. The customer is to take the shipping costs up with Australia Post personally. ERA Nursery does NOT hold responsibility for seedlings once Australia Post has collected them. Delivery time will usually take between 2 – 10 days depending on location. You will be issued with a tracking number and order confirmation email once you have lodged your order.
The shipping charge will be automatically calculated at the checkout. This differs from postcode. These are Australia Post rates that their software provides and updates.
For orders above 450 seedlings please send an enquiry via email admin@eranurseries.com.au or by calling 035572123. Other freight options can be sourced.
All costs include GST
Instore option means collection from the Nursery door which is located at 232 South Boundary Road, Hamilton Vic 3300
Online orders are completed each Monday. For instore collection you will be notified when your order is ready to be collected.