Dianella longifolia

Dianella longifolia

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Minimum Purchase:
5 seedlings
Maximum Purchase:
80 seedlings

Dianella longifolia(flax lilly) is an ornamental tufty with strap type leaves ideal for landscaping and around building, pools rockeries etc. It grows to around 1m with attractive purple berries. This is a tough, hardy, frost tolerant species well suited for mass plantings and is often seen along freeways, roundabouts and in commercial landscaping projects.

Dianella longifolia (flax lilly) prefers full sun but also thrive in part shade and responds to annual pruning.


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Notes on Maps.

Generally, the concentrated clusters of markers represent the geographical range where this species occurs naturally. Outlying markers and geographically disassociated markers represent observations of the species in cultivation and/or recorded in herbaria etc.


These maps are provided by, and are used with the permission of,  Australia’s Virtual Herbarium (AVH)